Canadian Down Under

Monday, December 06, 2004


So if you get dumped in the land down under - does it hurt less? I mean, if you're down under - you can't really get dumped from any great height, right? Yeah, I know that logic is flawed, but I just had to throw it out there to try and make myself feel better.

For the last year I've been having this long-distance whirlwind romance of sorts. A friend of a friend came to visit and within days we were together. Unusual for me - seeing as I've been single for years (and by design) but I guess the thought that he would be leaving in a matter of days made me throw caution to the wind. When the time came for him to leave a week later, I said goodbye with great maturity- talked about how wonderful it was to meet him, yet made no reference to seeing him again - leaving that up to him.

Despite zero expectations, we did stay in contact and a month later met up on the Great Ocean Road for a few days together before he returned to England. Despite having spent only a few days together, something seemed to happen between us - a connection of sorts - and although it seemed unlikely we'd ever meet again, we decided to stay in touch.

Which we did, and on Valentine's Day he sent me the loveliest message - so I mentioned that I'd be going to Canada in July to see my family and friends and would he like to join me. I was very happy to hear that he did.

The next few months were wonderful but tortuous - looking forward to seeing him and at the same time, worrying what it would be like to see him again.

I needn't have worried. Three weeks, 24/7 with each other and he only got mad at me once. Now that's a record! For anyone - not just a guy..... It was heartwrenching to say goodbye, but we had plans to see each other again. He hoped by October, but definitely by Christmas.

By November, it was apparent October was a no-go, but he was waiting to find out what holidays he could take - but he was coming. The end of November neared and the holidays had been reduced from 4 weeks to 2. After infrequent communication, yet continued assurances that he was still coming, I got a text message saying he wasn't. It was too expensive and he wanted to come in the New Year instead.

Note - this is after I begged, borrowed and stole holidays from colleagues and from the next year so I could spend time with him. After I said no to my mother on an offer to be flown home for Christmas. To Canada no less. He promised to keep looking, and by the end of the week sent me another message saying he was coming.

But it wasn't to be. Within two days, I got a message that said he wasn't coming. He'd still like to see me, but in the new year. That he was sorry but that he'd talk to me soon

Since then? Nothing. No answer to his phone, no answer to my text message, no answer to my email.

You know what I've discovered? It doesn't matter if you're in the land down under or in the land up over - it hurts just the same.


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