Canadian Down Under

Friday, July 24, 2009

Another blast from the past

Or should I say bomb?

Must admit, I'm feeling a little shell-shocked....

Now before I even start, it's unbelievable that for someone who hates Facebook as much as I do - I write about it so often.... But then again, I'm writing about what bugs me.... But then again - if it bugs me so much - why don't I stop using it?

Well, truth is - I rarely, if ever, log in - I only do in order to answer an email or a friend request. No games, no quizzes - and when I do log in, I don't understand all the drivel and where people get the time for it.

But back to friend requests. It seems - despite having an extremely common name (there must be 1,000s of me on Facebook) - old boyfriends are finding me at every turn.

The kicker this time is this guy sends me a friend request saying 'I popped up as a 'suggested friend''.

Don't you have to know someone in common?
Some mutual friend somewhere?
Never mind that we're not anywhere near the same continent...
We have absolutely ZERO connections of any kind.

So 'suggested friend'?
Me thinks no.

Me still thinking about the request....

(Have I ever mentioned my hitting the 'reject' button on a request? And how good that made me feel? Kind of like proof that there is romantic justice in this world...)


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