Canadian Down Under

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I wish I had a sister

I have three older brothers and this is how they show me how important I am to them:

Brother #1
Can't make my goodbye party at my mother's house when I was leaving Canada for Australia because he was 'working'.... on a Sunday afternoon.... Never showed up at my mother's house (and yes, at the moment, she's just mine) despite his office being in her basement flat.

Brother #2
Initially refuses to pick me up at the airport on a planned trip to visit him and his family because he got a better offer to go drinking. Then after agreeing to pick me up is a complete no-show, leaving me in the hands of a seriously scary taxi driver. (I've travelled a lot - and this one scared the shit out of me...)

Brother #3
Forgets we've arranged that I'll stop in London on my way to Ireland to see him and plans trips with girlfriend and her kids. If that wasn't bad enough, he then says its my fault we won't be able to see each other for a couple of years because I live too far away.

They're all fuckers.

I'm sure a sister would have been better.....


  • ach. I dunno.

    I'm the oldest of 3 sisters. We are, shall we say. . . not close.

    Middle is a Bipolar pot head. Used to be a meth addict. Is exhausting to deal with. Means well but. . . yeah.

    Youngest is a 300 pound child abusive alcoholic.

    I hear about happy families - people with siblings that like each other and I wanna know how. . . and I want to know why- why I don't have that.

    I'm sorry your brothers are wankers. The thing for me for a while as been that family- real family is what you make for yourself.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:44 AM  

  • I hear what you're saying - family is what you make for yourself, it's just so disappointing when the one that was made for you doesn't seem to work.

    I'm sorry to hear about your sisters, but from what I've read on your blog - it sounds like you have made yourself a pretty nice family...

    By Blogger lala, at 9:50 PM  

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