Canadian Down Under

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Shut the Front Door

I told you I had a lot to write about.... It's all coming out at once!!!

This one I have to write about so I don't forget.

My best friend has three girls all around the early teen years. So, old enough to fully understand conversations and their content (no matter what the subject) but still young enough that perhaps they don't need to be exposed to all of it.

But her and I can't help but talk (okay - mostly me, but she's right in there with me as well...) so we work around the above problem by talking in a best friend short hand code which mostly works for us - except we're really bad at the swearing thing (I am by far the worst offender though...) and I usually end up stuffing up in front of the kids (bad Laura...)

But not this year. By the time I arrived she had a new code all ready for use:



It's very liberating to use as well: the right number of syllables and mostly the right consonants.

Verbal satisfaction without the corruption of minors.


Don't let the door hit you on your way out.


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