Canadian Down Under

Monday, February 28, 2005

Never underestimate the Power of the Written Word

I've been having problems of late with my mobile phone bill. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say, they screwed up. They haven't been sending me a bill - so when I didn't pay (because I didn't get a bill) - they turned off my phone.

Things like that make me an unhappy camper...

As most of my friends know - I'm fairly anal about paying bills - in fact, I used to be anal to the point of keeping Visa receipts and matching them to my monthly statements. I have relaxed some since then, but definitely not to the point of not paying my bills at all....

To resolve the issues, I phoned in and spoke with their service desk. I got my phone re-instated and supposedly they fixed the billing issue. When another two months went by and still no bill, I gathered that fix didn't work.

After a seemingly endless number of calls to customer service and what seemed like hours on hold, I was finally put through to a technician to help me - only to have the line disconnected. Giving up on phoning them (the irony that you can't resolve a problem with a phone company on the phone!!) I resorted to trying to email them through their website. However - no the problem wasn't resolved there! - their website tool wasn't working.

Finally, I tried calling again to find another way to communicate. I was told there was no other phone number to call, no other email address to use, that I should mail my complaint in.

As if.

So what did I do? Well, totally frustrated and with too much time on my hands at work - I looked up their corporate structure on their website and emailed the Managing Director of the Mobile Phone Division with my sordid saga - and mentioned that I thought their customer service was shoddy at best.

I have received numerous phone calls today from the company, ranging in seniority from the Marketing Director, the Customer Service Director to the actual technicians trying to sort out my problem.

Amazing what effect a few, well-chosen, written words can have.

Problem solved. No freebies though. Damn. Maybe those words weren't so well-chosen after all...


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