Canadian Down Under

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

You won't believe what I did....

or maybe it's more that I can't believe what I did....

I probably haven't mentioned this before - but one of things I decided to do once I was settled out here was some charity work. More specifically, I have previously done some work with unmatched girls from the Big Sisters program in Canada and decided that now I was working I wanted to be a Big Sister to a little girl. So... the last few months I've been going through the application process: reference checks, interviews and a psych test. Everything's gone fine so far and today I had my last interview with the organization prior to training and matching up.

I'm embarrassed to tell you how it went but I can't keep to myself..

So topics range from family history, friends, relationships, schooling to thoughts about crime, religion etc. Anyway, it was going fine until they got to the relationship part and to my (and my interviewers) shock and horror I started to cry. All she did was say one word - his name.

What is up with that?? I mean, I know I took the breakup a little hard - but since the holidays have been over I've been much better - improving every day - and although I wrote a snarky tidbit about Valentine's Day - yesterday was actually relatively painless. So why today? and why did it have to be in the middle of my interview???


She was nice, but the tears coupled with my starting a new job have probably adversely affected my chances. Oh, and the comments from my psych test:
  1. It came out that I'm thin-skinned (Duh!) Had to laugh at the one - it that didn't come out on my psych test there was something wrong...
  2. I don't form deep relationships. The interviewer just looked at me and said "I think they're wrong." Couldn't agree more with that thought..
  3. I'm a bit of a rebel. Which for the Big Sisters program translates to someone not following their rules. I told them that, yes, I can be a bit of a rebel - but not for something important as important as the program.

At the end of the interview, she told me she thought I was great, she still had some concerns about the change in job and the boy - she thought maybe I needed more time, but that I'm registered to go to the training next month.

All good I guess, but I really feel like an idiot. If anyone feels like telling me they still think I'd be good as a Big Sister - please, don't hold back....


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