Canadian Down Under

Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Mother of All Visits

Yup, she's here...... She's in Melbourne visiting my brother at the moment, but I pick her up at the airport tonight. The flat has been scoured (I tried not eating to lose those extra couple of pounds - but to no avail - I love food too much), so I have done the best I could to prepare for her visit.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mother and I am very happy she's coming to visit and looking forward to seeing her-it's just that sometimes...well, let's just say we can be like oil and water together. Which is fine as long as nobody throws a match... however, in each other's company, my mother and I become pyromaniacs.

I'd love to give you updates (because usually it becomes so ridiculous its hilarious) but I figured distraction was a good preventative measure for the two of us spending an inordinate amount of 'quality' time together - so I've booked for us to go to Vietnam together for 10 days. I figured ten days looking at the sights instead of looking at each other would be a better way to go....

Anyway, I'll be around tomorrow and will try to give a progress update then but won't be able to recount the entire visit until I get back. Hopefully those of you who do visit my blog remember to come back....


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