Canadian Down Under

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

American Idol Is...

  1. my favourite tv show (probably because I secretly hope that it's not too late for me to become a rock star...)
  2. better than Australian Idol (at least the judges are...)
  3. running about two weeks behind in Australia to North America screenings - so don't tell me anything I don't want to know...
  4. hearing impaired this year. Am I missing something or aren't some of those guys in the final 12 (of men - told you we're behind) just horrendous - yet Simon is raving about some of them
  5. getting a little long in the tooth - but hey - still love it...
  6. creatively draining - because now that I've finished watching it, I can think of nothing else to write about
  7. as made obvious by the statement above - another one of my addictions - although not so private...
  8. the only tv show I want to see live
  9. the only tv show where I actually have a crush on someone who's on it (I thought that kind of stuff ended once you were out of your teens?)
  10. cutting into my beauty sleep - Night all.


  • What's wrong with Ryan Seacreast? Great hair (great name..)

    By Blogger lala, at 9:59 PM  

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