Canadian Down Under

Friday, March 04, 2005

The Amazing Race

I don't know if we're way behind North America in our viewing of the show - but I gotta say - there is one relationship that is completely abusive. The guy yells and screams at the girlfriend, publicly berates her and last week, he even shoved her because she was going too slow - COMPLETELY ignoring the fact that she was going slow because she was carrying two bags: her own and HIS!

What a loser. I think he should get kicked out of the game/show just for his behaviour. Shouldn't a line be drawn somewhere so that - even if he can't figure out his abusive behaviour is bordering on assault - (which is criminal..) - the show's producers would recognize him for what he is? I mean, letting the filming continue is only condoning the behaviour? isn't it?

And it's not just me who thinks he's stepped over the line - last week, a taxi driver kicked him out of the cab because he was so rude and aggressive.

Maybe the show's keeping them in because it's good for ratings - but I find it totally repugnant. I don't do this readily, but I actually turned the tv off.


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