Canadian Down Under

Friday, March 11, 2005

Confession is good for the soul

I've had a relapse. It's been almost three months and my will power to abstain was at a weakpoint. (What is that about addiction? Quitting is hard on the 3's anniversaries - 3 days, 3 week, 3 months and 3 years....)

Slight change this time though - I went to an astrologer and tarot card reader, not just a clairvoyant. (Is that an improvement? Not sure...)

I don't know what it is, but I'm a sucker for those signs that read, "here only today, the reknowned 'fill-in name here' as featured in the 'fill-in whatever newspaper here'". I was walking through the mall, trying to decide what computer to buy when I saw the sign - and I thought to myself - hey, maybe this'll help me decide. Not the smartest way to make a big ticket purchase - but hey, I've never put a lot of logic into big ticket purchases...

So in I went and the guy was nothing like I expected; he was in his 50's, long gray hair in a ponytail, tall, skinny. On second thought, maybe that's exactly what I should have been expecting... Anyway, he told me nothing at all about my computer, instead focusing on me - who I am, what makes me who I am, etc - perfect: a half hour all about me! (Way cheaper than therapy...)

So what did he tell me? Seeing as I'm all about lists these days, the following are the highlights:
  • Although born in early May (Taurus) my moon (I think, I'm doing this from memory) is in Sagittarius - which is the polar opposite of Taurus pretty much. So, in essence, I'm at odds with myself - born under a sign of stability and materialism but ruled by a sign that embodies the essence of being a free spirit. No wonder life feels so tough sometimes... I'm a oxymoron!!! (Sometimes you don't even need the 'oxy' part to describe me.)
  • I worry too much about money and I need to let it go (that's like telling me to give up chocolate... great idea, but not gonna happen...)
  • I shouldn't work in a bank. I need to socialize (blogging probably isn't fulfilling that need within, but hey, at least its a creative outlet - not many of those in a bank...)
  • He suggested I buy a used van/bus and start my own tour company. Can you imagine? What - should I paint it brown and use a slogan like "Come see Australia with a Canadian beaver". Definitely more customers than painting it with a red Maple Leaf (FYI - the fastest way to annoy Australians is plastered anything and everything with a red Maple Leaf. Canadians think it's cool, but they're the only ones out here...)
  • The last guy in my life was a bad fit. He apparently stole my energy and ruined my chakras. I was told I'm all better now though - at which point I interjected in the monologue and said, that yeah, I was almost better - to which he responded, "You ARE over him." Alright already...
  • My knight in shining armour (no kidding, that's the card I pulled) was just around the corner. There are now no impediments to me being in a relationship so I just have to be patient, he's almost here. (Me patient? That's a laugh...)
  • And although the cards I pulled to decide if I should continue to live in Australia were kind of crap, the ones I pulled to decide if I should move home to Canada were even worse. So he said Australia was the better choice of two crummy options. Funnily enough - he did ask if I would consider living somewhere else.. Who says tarot card readers don't have a sense of humour?
  • Told me I stood out from the crowd. (Now that's what I was looking for. Affirmation that I'm special. God I'm needy!!)

All in all, everything he said was pretty positive so it was a really fun experience and made me feel good. I know the power of suggestion seems to have great effect on me (sometimes too much, I know), but when it works so that I stop moping about a guy - hey, bring on the suggestions!!

The love-in was fun, things are pretty good these days. I'll keep you updated if anything he says comes true... though I say it's unlikely I'm going to buy a used van..


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