Canadian Down Under

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Seems my creative well has run dry this weekend..

So many potential reasons:
1. The early morning start Friday
2. Actually having to work last week
3. The day long seminar with Big Sisters - felt like I was back in school again...
4. The amount of alcohol consumed Saturday night (though that usually gets the creative juices flowing...)
5. The stifling heat on the beach today

Or maybe it's not so much that the creative juices have run dry, it's more that anytime I've been inside this weekend, I've fallen asleep. Hasn't seemed to matter what time of day it was either. Kind of surprising for a non-napper. And it wasn't just a little tired, it was that deep-down bone fatigue. The type where, once asleep, its almost impossible to wake up. You know the feeling where your eyelids feel like they weight 400 lbs. I kind of wonder if my flat had been on fire, if I would have been able to get up....

And now that it's almost midnight and I have to work tomorrow, I am - for the first time - wide awake.



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