Canadian Down Under

Monday, April 18, 2005

I had THE best breakfast today

Oatmeal. Hmmmm, I love it. It reminds me of when I was a little kid and Mom used to cook us oatmeal. I loved to watch the brown sugar melt on the oatmeal. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water... Now, I've never been much of a breakfast eater, but on oatmeal mornings I cleaned the bowl.

So this morning I was a little late getting up for work - not that that's different from most mornings - but today I had no food in my apartment - okay, that's not so unusual either - but TODAY I was hungry. When I got to work I realised that there was just no way I was going to make it until lunch without some food and I needed to buy breakfast.

Now the tricky part is - I'm horribly picky about my food. (If it doesn't have coca-cola in the name or chocolate in the ingredients, I'm quite a health nut.) See the thing is, my body - for whatever reason - doesn't really tolerate preservatives, artificial flavourings very well - and especially not yeast. Makes it a little hard to get food on the run - or at least good food on the run. (I know, I know - if you can't handle all the artificial crap what in the world are you doing drinking Coke? Truly, I am an addict at heart.. You can tell me time and time again how bad something is for me - but if I like it? I have it. I not only have it, I HAVE to have it. Which is partly why I've never tried coffee and I've never tried recreational drugs. That would just be a mess. That fact that I quit smoking is a miracle....)

Once again, I digress...

Back home I usually made my own lunch (which I should do now - but am way too lazy..) or I had a few fall back places to buy myself a salad or something equally safe to eat. Here? It's been a struggle. There's definitely a reason why Australia is closing in on the US as the most obese nation in the world...

But I found my ace in the hole: a place called Well-Being. Can't go wrong with a place name that, can you? Nope you can't. (You thought I was being sarcastic, didn't you?) They have great chicken breast salads - and I've become enough of a regular that they know not to add french onion or shredded carrots (I like carrots, just not shredded. Told you I was fussy..). Well, I noticed sometime back that they had a breakfast menu, but had never been.

Until today, that is.

Well-Being Hot Oats. Yummmm. Hot oats with a liberal dash of honey (not quite brown sugar, but equally yummy). The oats were mixed with diced apple, topped with strawberries and bananas and doused with skim milk. Hmmmm. Yummmmm. And only $3.50! What a bargain!!

I so enjoyed my breakfast that my boss actually apologised for interrupting me when he came by my desk to ask me a question.

Well-Being. A little bit of heaven, right here on Earth..


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