Canadian Down Under

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I may get in trouble for this, but I must confess

I'm not looking forward to going home for Christmas. Some reasons?
  • It may be because it's 2 am and I have to get up in 5 hours to go to work, which doesn't thrill me (the 5 hours part more than the going to work part).
  • Or maybe it's because I've spent most of my evening vomiting due to a migraine (hey - I made it a week - that's a recent record!)
  • Or maybe it's because I've just found out that the American boy who was going to come visit me while I was in Canada likely won't make it
  • Or maybe it's because none of my friends are coming to the Dreaded Open House and it means I am now defenseless against the church lady questions and comments that range from: "Aren't you married yet?" "You know your mother is so disappointed you don't have any children." "When are you having children" to "You know, you're not getting any younger, there's only so much time left!:" (Now you know why I was begging my friends....)
  • Or maybe it's because Christmas is a family time of year - which means my friends will be busy with their families and I'll have to hang out with mine - or more specifically my mother. She's great and all - but sometimes the two of us are like oil and water when there's no one else in the mix.
  • Or maybe because it looks like I'm going to freeze my ass off. (-8 in Toronto today whereas it was +43 in Sydney. Try that while in a suit... Might explain the migraine...)

Sigh. Poor me. Aren't you glad I invited you to the pity party? You did bring me gifts right?

P.S. I will post the whole story about the boy soon, I'm still mulling it over at the moment.


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