Canadian Down Under

Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Dreaded Ryan Christmas Open House

I just sent this email to my Canadian friends:


Just got off the phone with my mother and I have been informed that my presence is required at the Ryan Open House on Sunday the 18th...the day after I get home..... so I will be in the country.

Coincidence? I think not.

So, yes, you may be laughing - but I haven't finished yet. You're all invited too. However, in my mother's (and the Ryan's) usual fashion, she hasn't quite made up the invitations yet - let alone mailed them.... so it should be a packed house because I'm SURE no one has any other plans around the Christmas holidays.

Anyway - this email contains a little bit of a warning and a little bit of begging. See, this does indeed give you the opportunity to come up with a reason why you CAN'T attend - but just by playing the odds - there is no way ALL of you will dream up an acceptable excuse to leave me stranded with my crazy mother, the neighbours and her church friends.

I kid you not: church friends.

P.S. - Not having directions is not an acceptable excuse...

Think I've convinced any of them to attend?


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