Canadian Down Under

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Who am I kidding?

Today I called in sick. I woke this morning with a headache, so I took drugs, text my boss and went back to bed.

That's all true. But at the same time, I'm kidding myself.

Migraines cause more than just headaches - they also cause migraine hangovers. Have I ever told you about that before? No?

Well, migraine hangovers are what happen after the migraine. There's a general woozy feeling - which seems a normal reaction - but migraine hangovers also cause me a sense of anxiety. Anxiety with small twinges of paranoia. I'm thinking it might be the after effects of the drugs, but it could just be migraine related.

So - in effect - recovering from a migraine is a far more extensive a process than just getting over the pain.

What am I going on about?

Well, when I text my boss this morning I said I was aiming to be in that afternoon.

That afternoon??

Who am I kidding? I doubt my boss and/or friends ever believe me anymore when I say I'm trying to come back to life that day - but somehow I still feel the need to say it.

I think when I have a headache, I just can't bear the thought that my entire day is ruined, so I have to promise myself that I'll try to return to the life of the living that day.

So who am I kidding? Myself. Or at least I'm trying....


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