Canadian Down Under

Sunday, May 27, 2007

"This woman is a dentist, so we can't show her face"


Ever seen those Oral B ads?
I don't get it.


  • Well, what was their old advertising slogan - "the toothbrush used by more dentists than any other", or something? So the idea here, stemming from the slogan, is that a) here's one of those dentists, plugging our product, but b) seeing as it's unethical/illegal in Australia for doctors and quasi-medical professionals (like dentists) to personally endorse products, we can't name the dentist, show her face, etc. That's how I always understood it - the advert's been running since the early 1980s.

    (Of course, what makes this whole approach kinda stupid is that the "dentist" is now, and has always been, just some actor. So why the hell can't they show an actor's face?)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:45 PM  

  • I think it's against the code of conduct set out by the Australian Dental Association (ADA or something), for a dentist to publicly endorse a product; if the do so they may forfeit their membership to the ADA, and then, presumably, no patients would visit an ADA unapproved dentist...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:27 PM  

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