Canadian Down Under

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Mandated Bedrest

This would be so much funner if I wasn't alone.....

Seems I've managed to really hurt my back this time. You know it's not good when the doctor and the physiotherapist both say 'you're too young to have this bad a back'.


And I hate when they get all tough with you and say things like 'you're really going to have to think about what exercise you do from here on out". Shouldn't health professionals just be happy that I'm thinking about exercise?

So Day 4 on the couch - and man am I bored. I've watched every single season of the West Wing (that is available to watch on DVD here) I've moved onto the Closer and am re-watching Without A Trace.

If only the last season of Gilmore Girls was available.....

P.S. Hey - you ever watch the Carol Burnett show? You know how Tim Conway used to play that old guy? The one that took forever to get anywhere? Well, my doctor is his brother....perhaps his twin....


  • Dear Laura,

    My name is Kira and I have read bits and pieces of your blog with interest and great amusement (due to your funny way of putting things). I ended up at your blog as I am interested in what strikes expats living in Sydney.

    I myself have lived in South-Africa, Dutch Antils and Hong Kong. My expat life and background in the world of hospitality have inspired me to start a platform for expats and frequent business travellers that aids their 'global professional' live. Fun as this travelling life is, it is sometimes tough finding out where to go, what to do and make new friends every time. That is where I want to help out.

    I would highly appreciate it if you can give me tips on how 'new arrivals' in Sydney can have a pleasant welcome there.

    For your information and to entertain you during your bed rest, allow me to give you a look into my life. I have had back aches as of 17, I too, was/am too young to have these (workaholic)pains. 5 years later I got a burn-out (trying to be Miss Perfect). Now, I am just working ... not so perfect anymore with a white blouse that I stained this morning when applying foundation on my blouse instead of on the little sponge... I think i will toss it in the bin and put on the warm spring jacket that I bought to go running with. Haven't done any running, but when I am mentally ready to go running, I can do so in a nice outfit.

    I am looking forward to your reply.

    Kind regards and get well soon,

    Kira Nijenhuis

    By Blogger Kira, at 1:08 AM  

  • OK. Obviously not your best week. I will blow healthy back, no-jackass dates allowed vibes over the ocean. And I'd keep that Tim Conway thing to yourself since this is the person responsible for your spine...

    Be well


    By Blogger Gwyn, at 7:37 AM  

  • Sorry to hear about your back. :(

    By Blogger Twanna A. Hines |, at 8:57 AM  

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