Canadian Down Under

Sunday, February 22, 2009

He's just not that into you

So, as if my life wasn't fodder for at least three or four chapters of this book (note - that I haven't read - no need really if you've been living it...) I decided I would go see it the other night.

I went on my own. Truth is - I really wanted some popcorn...

Anyway, about halfway through the movie I happened to notice a few rows ahead of me, this guy who looked like a guy who really isn't into me - on a date.

Now if you followed that last sentence, you're kind of half laughing in horror.

I wasn't. Not at first.

But then the irony of it all kind of hit me and I had to slightly chuckle to myself.

I knew that movie was a bad idea....


  • I'm dealing with a situation like that from the other direction, except I've never dated this woman. She's a coworker who has had a fixation on me for a loooooooong time.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:33 PM  

  • Are you really 252 years old? Wow.

    By Blogger Laura, at 3:56 PM  

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