Canadian Down Under

Friday, February 06, 2009

It began in tears, it ended in tears.

That's how my day went today.

I can't even remember what happened in the middle.

This morning I was walking up from the ferry and ran into someone I knew. He tried to make conversation - and when I tried, I just ended up fighting back tears. The worst part of it all is I don't think he even noticed - and if he did, he certainly didn't care.

Fast forward to after work - sitting with some work colleagues, having a beer - and one of them (who obviously is not my closest friend) said some things to me which started to make me angry - and when I tried to respond, I embarrassingly started to cry.

I picked up my bag and left - mid-beer. Mid-sentence as well.

Even more embarrassing.
Going to bed now.
Send good vibes my way that tomorrow will be better.


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