Canadian Down Under

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I resolve....

Okay - I've changed my mind. I know I originally said I don't really 'do' resolutions, but I'm thinking maybe I was a little hasty.

...or maybe it was a little less than perfectly honest....

So - yes, I'm getting a cleaning lady - I've already confessed to that - but there's one more resolution I've made. So I'm going to be a little vague - but in re-reading some of my blog I've appreciated having some thoughts put down - so I want to note that I have made another resolution.

Starting today - there is a particular subject that is now off limits.
I am no longer going to talk about it.
To friends, to family or to strangers.
I may still think about, I may even write in my journal about it - but no more talking about it.

It's boring.
It's old.
Did I mention it's boring?

So that sums up my resolutions: cleaning lady and one subject off my talk list.

Sounds simple - but trust me - it won't be easy!!
Will make those quit smoking/drinking, dieting and/or exercising resolutions look like child's play!


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