Canadian Down Under

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lunch in the Park

Why didn't I think of this sooner?

Got my Starbuck's mango citrus frappe, my pen, my paper, my CD player. I'm all set.

As I entered the park I realised I wasn't the only one with the idea....

Heading for some shade, I noticed a fairly large group standing around and realised they were playing chess. Not on little chess boards on tables - and not quite life size boards - but using the patio stones as squares with pieces 2-3 feet high.

Okay - I've been watching for a while - and although I don't play - (My brothers wouldn't let me play when I was little for a variety of reasons like: I was a girl, or I was too stupid etc. But really, it was because they were trying to get rid of the tag along - and I've refused to play ever since...) - I still know the basic rules. Yet, I don't get what just happened. They just wound up the game - but it didn't look to me like anybody had won... Hmmm, maybe it's a time thing, because a new game just started with new people..

You know what I just realised? It's not because of my brothers I don't play, I don't play because it's boring!!

Actually - hold that thought - watching the last guy have a suck attack because he lost was quite entertaining! Maybe I won't have to buy the latest gossip mag to get me through lunch after all....


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