Canadian Down Under

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

It's not true

Remember that book I told you about ? You know the one that tells women how they have to be masculine in order to be successful? (Okay - maybe I'm paraphrasing a little..)

Well, one of the little jewels in that book says that one of the 'bad things' that women do (which keep them from advancing) is fixing themselves in public. Sort of like hygiene maintenance: fixing their hair, putting on lipstick etc. Just the sort of thing men never do. At least according to the book.

I'm here today to tell you that's absolutely not true!!

In the last few days, I have seen men preen and fix like I've never seen women do. I've seen men get on the elevator and check themselves out in the mirror, fix their hair - one guy even picked his teeth! All while someone else (namely me - and sometimes others) were in the elevator with them.

I have to tell you - I have NEVER seen a woman pick her teeth in public before. Yet fiddling with your hair is apparently a career limiting crime.....


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