Canadian Down Under

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Almost Famous

'Rove live' is the Australian equivalent to Late Night with David Letterman. Okay, not quite (I am a huge David Letterman fan), but pretty close. The host is a lot younger, not quite as bizarre, no gap between his front teeth, but really, really, really funny.

I was watching the other night and Rove was filming a harbour boat cruise that the show was running, where passengers were to dress according to some kind of nautical theme. Intermittently on the show the cameras would go to the boat and see how the party was going. At one point, the set crew realised they were about to sail by the Prime Minister's home and were talking about it on air, wondering aloud if the PM was actually watching, daring him on air to prove that he was by flashing them (flashing his lights that is - but don't think they didn't have fun with the term 'flashing'). Of course this built up over time (akin to David Letterman trying to get Oprah on his show) so by the time the boat actually went by the PM's house, there was much excitement in the air (I don't know why I'm talking like a freak, but it's amusing me...).

So did the PM flash? Well, he's Australian - they're born to take the piss out of themselves. So.... Of course he did!

How funny was that?

Maybe I didn't explain it very well, but trust me, it was funny. Rove's reaction was great. I mean, how good is it when someone plays along??

Anyway - what has this got to do with my being almost famous? Well, at one point when they flashed back to the boat, they not only interviewed the party-goers, they also interviewed the Captain of the boat. And you know what? The Captain of the boat was this young, blond girl who looked familiar - and then I realised - she's the one who sold me my car!!

I think I'm now famous by association.

There's a local radio station that apparently runs a contest for the lamest claim to fame. I think I'd win with that one....


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