Bikram's Yoga
also known as 90 minutes of sheer hell...
Now I have friends who have done 'hot' yoga before - even my brother swears by it - so when a friend phoned me today asking if I wanted to try a beginners class I was all for it. As explained to me - it's basically a normal yoga class - but done in a room with a temperature of 37 degress Celcius. It's supposed to help you stretch and help you sweat out your toxins at the same time.
Now before I go on - I just want to state for the record that I am happiest when exercise is a regular part of my life - and actually quite like to go to classes. I've done yoga before and right now I try to go to Pilates at least twice a week. So I figured that my liking Bikram's was almost a foregone conclusions considering the previous statement and the fact that my friends had given rousing endorsements.
Man, was I wrong.
How hideous is it to be in a class that smells, is so hot its almost hard to breathe and sweat literally drips down your body. Too hideous for words. And having an instructor that continually says things like "put a smile on your face and it'll make it better. I promise." Man, I wanted to smack her.
Thank God I have a dodgy back and the stretches were actually causing me pain rather than helping - which was surprising considering I do Pilates pretty regularly - so I could stop doing the exercises and just lie on the mat.
Lie on the mat and continue to sweat that is...
I think I would have been my own personal swimming pool had I continued to actually do the yoga exercises.
Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. Needless to say I shouldn't have bought the "as many classes as you can do in 10 days pass" seeing as I've just completed the one and only Bikram class I'm ever going to do in my lifetime...
Don't think Bikram's yoga is giving me the inner peace it's suppose to eh?
Now I have friends who have done 'hot' yoga before - even my brother swears by it - so when a friend phoned me today asking if I wanted to try a beginners class I was all for it. As explained to me - it's basically a normal yoga class - but done in a room with a temperature of 37 degress Celcius. It's supposed to help you stretch and help you sweat out your toxins at the same time.
Now before I go on - I just want to state for the record that I am happiest when exercise is a regular part of my life - and actually quite like to go to classes. I've done yoga before and right now I try to go to Pilates at least twice a week. So I figured that my liking Bikram's was almost a foregone conclusions considering the previous statement and the fact that my friends had given rousing endorsements.
Man, was I wrong.
How hideous is it to be in a class that smells, is so hot its almost hard to breathe and sweat literally drips down your body. Too hideous for words. And having an instructor that continually says things like "put a smile on your face and it'll make it better. I promise." Man, I wanted to smack her.
Thank God I have a dodgy back and the stretches were actually causing me pain rather than helping - which was surprising considering I do Pilates pretty regularly - so I could stop doing the exercises and just lie on the mat.
Lie on the mat and continue to sweat that is...
I think I would have been my own personal swimming pool had I continued to actually do the yoga exercises.
Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. Needless to say I shouldn't have bought the "as many classes as you can do in 10 days pass" seeing as I've just completed the one and only Bikram class I'm ever going to do in my lifetime...
Don't think Bikram's yoga is giving me the inner peace it's suppose to eh?
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