Canadian Down Under

Friday, April 07, 2006

Care Package

I got the best care package the other week. My visitor from home sent me a package once she got back to Canada with little bits of home as a thank you. (Let me tell, if all visitors are as good as her AND send care packages I WANT MORE VISITORS!!!)

Okay - that was a tangent. So what did she send me? A MEC backpack. Perfect size for hiking - which is what it is meant for. (For the non-Canadians out there: MEC = Mountain Equipment Co-op, a Canadian sporting goods store). I also got pictures which I love, books which I'll comment on in a moment and magnets! Not just any magnets - CANADIAN magnets: a beaver, a flag, a map of Canada and an 'Eh'. So now all my friends kids photos are properly stuck to the fridge as opposed to the ramshackle mess they used to be posted only on a wing and a prayer.....

But best of all? A card came with it with the nicest of messages. All in all - amazingly good.

So now I'm addicted to care packages.

I want more.

So if anyone is feeling at all inspired - here are some things I'd like from Canada:
- Crest cinnamon toothpaste (truly, I'm not kidding)
- Degree invisible deorderant - cool cotton scent (again, not kidding)
- any kind of tea from
- Excel Polar Ice gum
- Anything maple flavoured
- Pictures
- Canadian paraphenalia
- Black underwear from the Gap - the kind with no elastic in it.
- anything else you can think of that I might like.

I must admit. I'll be so shocked if I get anything... But its worth a shot!


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