Canadian Down Under

Monday, January 03, 2005

Road Signs

So I bet you think that now that I'm living in land down under this piece is going to be about road signs warning of kangaroo crossings, wombat crossings and the like.... well, I did see those - and even a few signs that warned of koalas falling from trees (apparently they're a real hazard because the koalas get stoned on eucalyptus leaves and fall off branches.... oh to be a koala!) - but nope, other people have been there first. After spending over 30 hours on the road over a three day driving span, I feel the need to write about other road signs.

It seems the government here has a big push on to reduce car crashes and all the horrible things that can result from car crashes. Noble cause and I heartily approve, however I'm not sure their methods are entirely effective.....

Sure the threat of imposing greater fines sounds like it has potential, the threat of greater demerit points sound effective as well. Even their advertising campaigns warning of the dangers of speeding, drink driving (yeah, they call it drink driving here instead of drunk driving - I still can't get my head around that one....) and the dangers of fatigue are a good call in my opinion - it's the road signs that I'm questioning...

For kilometres on end there are a new series of road signs:
"Stop. Revive. Survive."
"A microsleep can kill."
"Tired? Take a powernap."
"Rest every two hours. Stay refreshed."
"Yawning? That's a sign of fatigue. "

And the kicker? They actually have a sign that reads:
"Feeling sleepy?"

I felt like screaming at the sign: "I wasn't until I read all those damn signs!!!"

I think the RTA in New South Wales may need to re-think their road signs...


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