Canadian Down Under

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It wasn't pretty....

The first teenage tantrum - and its still a week before we leave on our month long trip.


To tell you the truth, I don't think I handled it very well - but I couldn't just leave without her speaking to me and go all week with her mad and then try to be all happy on the plane when we leave...

The tanty, the storming, the slamming of doors, the silent arms-crossed stance. the blockaded bedroom door.

All of it.

No kidding.

I succumbed and tried to open the door (she was leaning against it - and I couldn't open it...) - I gave it a push but to no avail. Then I managed to get my way in through talking - but still - I'm sure there was a better way to handle it - but hey, I'm no parent and I'm not her parent - I'm just her travel partner - but supposedly the responsible adult.

One day she'll learn that boys just aren't worth it..

Don't know when, seeing as I still haven't figured it out!

Ugh. Here's me praying we don't have another incident like that one again. I'll have to start channeling my mother if we do.


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