Canadian Down Under

Monday, July 31, 2006

If they say it ain't broke, x-ray it again

One week. One week since my last x-ray where nothing was broken. One week of pain that I knew meant something was wrong. One week of being called a wuss.

It's a little sick that I feel so vindicated by the second set of xrays..... Vindicated that I know broke when I feel it and that I wasn't being a wimp.

Only question left - to cast or not to cast? I'm voting cast - figure it might be a way to an upgrade on my flight Friday.....

Silver lining folks. Gotta look for the silver lining!


  • Cast it. Anything for an upgrade, right? :)

    By the way, I accidentally typed "land" instead of "world (i.e. thelandof oz), and it turns out that someone actually has that link. It's a blog that hasn't been updated in four years!!!! Sheesh! You'd think blogger would have dumped it by now.

    By Blogger Twanna A. Hines |, at 10:22 PM  

  • Cast!

    If we're voting, that is.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:23 AM  

  • How about both?

    A removable cast? You want to be able to shower while your hand recovers, otherwise it will stink to high heaven, and they might put you in baggage!

    Kidding of course, but go for that removeable cast!

    Good luck with the healing!

    By Blogger Mitch, at 5:41 AM  

  • I hope that you're getting good drugas!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:15 AM  

  • Hope you're not in too much pain! I broke my pelvis several years ago, and x-rays didn't show a thing. Two weeks of incredible pain later, an MRI revealed that it was broken in two places. Nobody tells you that x-rays don't show everything!

    By Blogger venitha, at 2:55 PM  

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