Canadian Down Under

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Flexibly Awesome

Kay - you're getting two stories in one....mostly because I was too tired last night to post....

So story #1: I'm Awesome!!!

So says my physio. My arm is healing so quickly she keeps telling me how awesome I am. So I thought I'd share the good news. I shared the good news at work and I had to quickly exit the floor because the sounds of gagging from my co-workers was overwhelming...

Told my physio that my colleagues thought I was full of myself and she told me that I really am awesome and need to tell them so again.

Hmmmm. Think I'll spare them.... I'm telling you instead!

Story #2 - I'm Flexible!

Actually my trainer says it's more like 'floppy'. Mind you neither sounds as fabulous as awesome, but it's still an improvement over last week's verdict that I was fat. (Okay - he didn't call me fat, but he did weigh me and make me look at the numbers. Same thing really....)

Flexible. That's not a word to describe me often!!

So, the world is telling me I'm flexibly awesome. Just wanted to share the good news.


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