I found your blog by chance surfing on the net. What a nice experience! I really enjoy discovering that a lot of people go an live abroad for a while and it is very nice also when the take some time like you do to share their experiences! From our side, we are a Franco-Bulgarian couple, living in madrid after spending 2 years in Cuba! We also do write a blog!
Cheers and good luck in Australia!
Nicolas and Nora http://whatsupinmadrid.blogs-de-voyage.fr/
A blog about the trials, tribulations and jubilations of living as a Canadian expat in Australia. A lifestyle so similar in some ways, but a world away in others...
At some point you are going to need a flotation device.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
I found your blog by chance surfing on the net.
What a nice experience!
I really enjoy discovering that a lot of people go an live abroad for a while and it is very nice also when the take some time like you do to share their experiences!
From our side, we are a Franco-Bulgarian couple, living in madrid after spending 2 years in Cuba! We also do write a blog!
Cheers and good luck in Australia!
Nicolas and Nora
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM
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