Canadian Down Under

Monday, October 09, 2006

I've become a cold-blooded killer!!!

Me. It's true. I don't know how - but it happened tonight.

I've killed three bugs. Three. Okay, well, really two. See - one was already dead.....

Cold-blooded I tell you! (Can you be considered cold-blooded if you have to keep saying "Get it together" or "Don't be such a loser, it's only a bug" to yourself in the process??)

Perhaps not.

In all honesty - it took me three days to screw up the courage to pick up the bug on my kitchen floor that died from natural causes. It then took me three attempts to kill the HUMUNGOUS spider that was underneath my laundry basket (serves me right for doing laundry tonight...). But by the time I saw the other creepy crawly, I got my shoe out and whacked that sucker with only a moment's hesitation.

I guess being crawled on by a cockroach the other night has killed my fear of killing bugs. (Yes, yes - that's another story. When I recover from the horror, I will tell you about it....)

Note to self: don't leave window open all day. Bugs consider that an invite to set up residence.


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