Migrained Out
Hopefully I'll return to the land of the living tomorrow....
But what concerns me most at the moment - and what I desperately need an answer for is the following question: In the Disney movie "Eight Below", do any of the dogs die?
I need to know.
See - I have a new little sister (it makes more sense if you read here and here....) and we've talked about going to a movie this weekend and see Eight Below. See - the problem is - Disney movies make me cry and I don't want my new little sister to think I'm a complete loser, so I believe that if I'm prepared ahead of time, I will manage to make it through without a 13 year old laughing at me.
Desperate times.
A friend suggested I call the movie theater and ask - saying I was bringing a young girl that is terribly attached to animals and might be traumatized if one dies.
One way to get 36 to be considered young......
The reputation of the ugly American abroad is not just some cruel
stereotype. Rather, says the United States Government, it is worryingly
Really, I'm speechless. I'd make a joke, but..... No. I'm speechless.
Full article here: A Quiet Word to Loud Americans
I am so proud of myself!!
"I'm a nobody. Who are you? Are you a nobody too?"And you can so relate that you have to buy the card.
"go for long walks, indulge in hot baths, question assumptions, beJust because you need some positive thoughts in your life.
kind to yourself, live for the moment, loosen up, scream, curse the world, count
your blessings, just let go, just be."
No details as yet. In a few days maybe.