I didn't think the world was big enough...
A fellow Laura Ryan commented on my blog just last week - just saying hi from the Laura Ryan in the UK - which reminded me of something that happened when I first arrived here in Oz.
It was at my first flat. First flat, first phone line. I called to get it hooked up and had to go through all the 'process' stuff: name, serial number.... The conversation went like this:
Phone Company (PC): Last name?
Me: Ryan
PC: First name?
Me: Laura
PC: Hmmmm. Birthdate?
Me: May 9, 19xx (No, I don't feel like telling you...)
PC: Hmmm.
Long pause.
PC: Middle name?
Me: Jane
Another long pause.
PC: Ever had a phone with us before?
Me: No.
PC: ...in Queensland?
Me: Nope. Definitely not.
PC: Hmmm. Seems like you may have a clone.
I guess the world IS big enough.